Our Blog
You don’t always have to be strong, it’s OK to ask for help
Jun 12th, 2018Guest blog post by Michael W. Post, Apsley Michael Easter, a writer for men’s health states, “As men, we think we can control everything. I now realise that it’s not…
Mental Health Week and our Green Ribbon Campaign
May 8th, 2018Join us this Mental Health Week, May 7 to 13, 2018 in protecting, celebrating and promoting mental health for all! Here’s how: Protect We offer a wide range of free…
Mental Health and Exercise
Apr 26th, 2018Guest blog by Andra Hughes, Wellness Coordinator for AON and the Gardens of Peterborough Robert H Butler said, “If exercise could be purchased in a pill, it would be the…
BounceBack® Program
Apr 10th, 2018If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you are not alone. 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental health or addiction problem in any given year, with mild to moderate…
Building Resilience
Mar 9th, 2018by Tanya Kowalenko, Educator & Kids on the Block Coordinator It is with great pleasure that I attended the International Women’s Day Conference in Peterborough on March 8, 2018. As I…
Gender Journeys: Reducing Isolation, Increasing Connection
Feb 23rd, 2018by Tanya Kowalenko, Educator and Kids on the Block Coordinator “Trans people have been advocating for each other for decades,” says Ronnie, an Education and Support Worker with the Gender…
Hope and Change: A Client Story
Feb 8th, 2018by Tanya Kowalenko, Educator and Kids on the Block Coordinator At our 2016 Annual General Meeting Andrew, a client of C.M.H.A. H.K.P.R., was presented with the “Achievement through Adversity Award.”…
Create your own Wellness Toolbox
Jan 24th, 2018by Tanya Kowalenko, Educator and Kids on the Block Coordinator Everyone’s talking about ‘self-care’ these days. But, what is ‘self-care’ anyway, and how do we go about doing it? While…
Empower your New Year’s Wellness & Recovery
Jan 17th, 2018The new year is often when people start thinking about wellness goals and behaviour changes they’d like to make. However, if you’ve ever searched the internet for ways to get…