Supportive Housing
May 11, 2022
The Mission Statement of Supportive Housing is: to provide flexible strengths-based and barrier free supportive housing for persons with a serious mental illness or dual diagnosis that is based on respect, dignity, hope and collaboration. The goals of supportive housing include:
- Support people to live as independently as possible
- Support people to participate in the community, accessing community resources and assistance
- Provide supports to minimize stress, provide illness management and prevent crisis and hospitalization
- Provide education and support to people to enable them to develop and maintain skills and relationships
Supports are flexible, based on client need and stability and may be dependent on the different housing programs available. They may include: Case Management, Housing Supports, Peer Supports or Housing Retention visits by CMHA-HKPR staff or by Community Partners who provide primary support in the unit. Individual programs may have varying lengths of tenancy or different application or eligibility requirements.
Download our Housing Frequently Asked Questions Here.
CMHA HKPR Garden Homes
We are excited to announce the launch of our Garden Homes Project! CMHA HKPR Garden Homes are small, approximately 480 square-foot, prefabricated homes. They contain everything a single individual or a couple may need, including a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and laundry facilities. These homes sit on lots of preexisting homes with the goal of densification and creating more affordable housing options for our clients and community. To learn more, click here.
**Our Supportive Housing Programs are not Emergency Shelters** If you require immediate or after-hours housing support, please call 705-745-6484.
City of Kawartha Lakes
- A Placed Called Home (Co-Ed & Families) 705-328-0905
- Women’s Resources (For Women Only) 705-878-3662
Northumberland County
- Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention (For Women & Children) 905-372-1545
- Transition House (Co-Ed) 905-376-9562
Peterborough County
- Brock Mission (For Men Only) 705-748-4766 ext. 1
- Cameron House (For Women Only) 705-748-4766 ext. 2
- Youth Emergency Shelter (Co-Ed) 705-748-3851
- YWCA Crossroads (For Women Only) 705-743-4135
Because this is a Supportive Housing program, people wishing to apply must qualify and receive support services before their housing application will be brought forward (pending eligibility).
For those already receiving support services, application for CMHA Supportive Housing is through the primary support provider.
Unless otherwise indicated, tenants in the Supportive Housing program are selected by a Tenant Selection Committee. The Tenant Selection Committee uses a fair and concise 6 level priority based selection system that takes into account situational need as well as support requirements. Selection is therefore based on need and not necessarily by chronological order of application.
Inventory of Housing Stock
- Rent Supplement units through agreements with private landlords.
- Strong Communities units managed in partnership with City of Peterborough.
- 11 residential properties with 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments and 3 homes that include group living and programming for people supported through the Lynx Team, the Dual Diagnosis Team or the Peterborough Health Team. Application for the group living homes are through the programs themselves and applicants must currently be receiving service.
- Units managed in partnership with FourCast Addictions Services using a Housing First model. Application is through Fourcast. Eligibility criteria and tenant selection is unique to the program and should be reviewed with Fourcast.
- Units managed in partnership with Four Counties Brain Injury Association Peterborough Region. Application and eligibility criteria are through Four Counties Brain Injury Association Peterborough Region.
- Units managed specifically for people who fall under the category of Transitional Aged Youth. Application is through the CMHA- HKPR Dual Diagnosis Department when a call out has been issued.
- Rent Supplement units through agreements with private landlords. All clients are supported. Application is through Community Mental Health Services- Northumberland Hills Hospital.
Kawartha Lakes
- Rent Supplement units through agreements with private landlords. Application is through the CMHA-HKPR Intake Department.
- Rent geared to income units managed in partnership with the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application is through the CMHA-HKPR Intake Department and the City of Kawartha Lakes.
- Strong Communities units managed in partnership with City of Kawartha Lakes. Application is through the CMHA-HKPR Intake Department.
- Harrison House- an 8 bed transitional group home. Application is through Harrison House.
Non-Program Specific Eligibility Criteria
- Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes and Northumberland
- 16 years of age and older
- The individual must be diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness as determined by a professional
- In Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes, applicants must complete 90 days of support before they are eligible to apply for housing.
- All clients approved for supportive housing will be required to engage in Support Services and voluntarily take part in their recovery.
- There are a total of 18 units in Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland and Peterborough for individuals who meet the previous criteria and would benefit from the program by having a lower probability of conflict with the law.
Note: If you have feedback regarding this program, please see our Feedback page or contact the program manager, Andrew Reynolds.