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Supportive Housing

The Mission Statement of Supportive Housing is: to provide flexible strengths-based and barrier free supportive housing for persons with a serious mental illness or dual diagnosis that is based on respect, dignity, hope and collaboration. The goals of supportive housing include:

Supports are flexible, based on client need and stability and may be dependent on the different housing programs available. They may include: Case Management, Housing Supports, Peer Supports or Housing Retention visits by CMHA-HKPR staff or by Community Partners who provide primary support in the unit. Individual programs may have varying lengths of tenancy or different application or eligibility requirements.

Download our Housing Frequently Asked Questions Here.

CMHA HKPR Garden Homes

We are excited to announce the launch of our Garden Homes Project! CMHA HKPR Garden Homes are small, approximately 480 square-foot, prefabricated homes. They contain everything a single individual or a couple may need, including a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and laundry facilities. These homes sit on lots of preexisting homes with the goal of densification and creating more affordable housing options for our clients and community. To learn more, click here.

**Our Supportive Housing Programs are not Emergency Shelters**  If you require immediate or after-hours housing support, please call 705-745-6484.

City of Kawartha Lakes

Northumberland County

Peterborough County


Because this is a Supportive Housing program, people wishing to apply must qualify and receive support services before their housing application will be brought forward (pending eligibility).

For those already receiving support services, application for CMHA Supportive Housing is through the primary support provider.

Unless otherwise indicated, tenants in the Supportive Housing program are selected by a Tenant Selection Committee. The Tenant Selection Committee uses a fair and concise 6 level priority based selection system that takes into account situational need as well as support requirements. Selection is therefore based on need and not necessarily by chronological order of application.

Inventory of Housing Stock



Kawartha Lakes

Non-Program Specific Eligibility Criteria

Note: If you have feedback regarding this program, please see our Feedback page or contact the program manager, Andrew Reynolds.

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