Brent Upper Memorial Ball Tournament raises more than $21,000
Aug 9, 2018

Brent Upper and Jake Stanley
As one of the benefitting organizations, the Canadian Mental Health Association, Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge (C.M.H.A. H.K.P.R.) is pleased to announce $21,895.70 was raised through the Brent Upper Memorial Ball Tournament on July 21.
The tournament was held in memory of Brent Upper, a local man who lost his life to the opioid crisis, as well as his friend Jake Stanley, who died by suicide in 2015. The idea for the tournament was that of Brent’s mother, Sheri Erickson, who decided she wanted to do something in memory of the young men to help bring awareness of the need for supports for young people battling mental health concerns and addictions, and to provide funding that will stay local.
Born and raised in Lakefield, Brent was very involved in local sports. Therefore, one third of the funds raised at the tournament will be directed to the Lakefield Minor Hockey Association, while the remaining proceeds will be directed to Lynx, an early psychosis intervention program for youth (of which C.M.H.A. H.K.P.R. is one of five partner agencies) and Team55 Let’s Tackle Suicide Prevention, a program in conjunction with C.M.H.A. H.K.P.R..
“Thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts, to everyone who helped, played, donated, dropped in, or participated in this tournament in any way. Without all of you, we couldn’t have made this happen. I would especially like to thank my dear friends and family who helped me tremendously to get the day rolling. I would also like to thank the C.M.H.A. H.K.P.R., and Kerri Davies, for helping me to get the ‘ball’ rolling,” says Erickson.
“The event was a huge success to raise some much needed funds for three fantastic organizations. I couldn’t guess as to how many people attended, but everyone I spoke to, and that was a lot, was having a fabulous time.”

Jack Veitch and Sheri Erickson
Erickson would like to thank RE/MAX for bringing the hot air balloon, despite it being grounded due to high winds. She would also like to thank The Wolf 101.5 Summer Events Cruiser for attending, spinning some tunes and bringing the Wheel of Summer.
“All in all, it was a fantastic day and our Boys would have loved it,” says Erickson.
Jack Veitch, Manager of Community Engagement, would like to extend his gratitude on behalf of C.M.H.A. H.K.P.R. to Erickson and all involved in organizing the event, for their dedication to mental health.
“The Brent Upper Memorial Ball Tournament, in memory of Brent ‘Ripper’ Upper and Jake ‘Steam Train’ Stanley, is a great example of what happens when a community pulls together in support of a meaningful cause,” he says.
“Faced with tragic loss, Sheri generously donated her own time and effort to improving the mental health of our community. C.M.H.A. H.K.P.R. is honoured to be one of the benefiting organizations and looks forward to, in memory of Brent and Jake, supporting those who need help.”